Children’s Liturgy

Children are invited to join us in the Church Hall during 10.30 Mass, every other Sunday, to

  • Listen
  • Think About
  • Respond

to the Sunday Gospel in ways they can understand through talking and activities.

Parents and carers of the younger children are welcome, too!

The purpose of Liturgy of the Word for Children is to enable them to participate actively  in listening and responding to a Bible Reading of the day, so that they grow their faith in and their love and understanding of God. It is worship and it is part of Mass. 

An activity may help the children to reflect, understand, pray and remember.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, the leader prepares for the liturgy through reading and reflecting on the gospel beforehand.

All Children’s Liturgy Leaders hold an Enhanced Barred DBS through Middlesbrough Diocese. The leaders are: Sue Rowney, Natalia Mead, Tony Kirk and Jackie Tempestoso. For further information, we can be contacted on

For more ideas of what happens: Liturgy of the Word with Children – Diocese of Westminster (